Wells Brothers: The Young Cattle Kings Read online

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  An early start was delayed. Joel had figured without his guest, as theTexan stands in a class by himself. The peace and serenity of pastorallife affects its people, influencing their normal natures into calm andtranquil ways. Hence, instead of the expected start at sunrise, afterbreakfast the trail foreman languidly sauntered out to the corral,followed by the boys.

  The old physician, even, grew impatient. "What on earth do you think isdetaining that man?" he inquired of Forrest. "Here the sun is nearly anhour high, and not a wheel turning. And I can see him from the tentopening, sitting on a log, flicking the ground with his quirt andchatting with those boys. What do you suppose they are talking about?"

  "Well, now, that's a hard question," answered Forrest. "I'll chance thesubject is of no importance. Just a little social powwow with the boys,most likely. Sit down, Doctor, and take life easy--the cows will calvein the spring."

  Patience had almost ceased to be a virtue when the trail boss put in anappearance at the tent. "You are in no particular hurry, are you,Doctor?" he inquired, with a friendly smile.

  "Oh, no," said the physician, with delightful irony; "I was justthinking of having the team unhooked, and lay over another day. Still, Iam some little distance from home, and have a family that likes to seeme occasionally."

  The buckboard rattled away. "Come in the tent," called Forrest to theboys. "If old Paul sees you standing out there, he's liable to think ofsomething and come back. Honestly, when it comes to killing time, thatold boy is the bell steer."

  Only three were now left at the homestead. The first concern was tointercept the next passing herd. Forrest had a wide acquaintance amongtrail foremen, had met many of them at Dodge only ten days before, whilepassing that supply point, and it was a matter of waiting until a herdshould appear.

  There was little delay. Joel was sent at ten o'clock to the nearestswell, and Dell an hour later. The magic was working overtime; the dustcloud was there! In his haste to deliver the message, the sentinel'shorse tore past the tent and was only halted at the corral. "It'sthere!" he shouted, returning, peering through the tent-flaps. "They'recoming; another herd's coming. It's in the dip behind the first divide.Shall I go? I saw it first."

  "Dismount and rest your saddle," said Forrest. "Come in and let's make alittle medicine. If this herd has one, here's where we get a cow. Comein and we'll plot against the Texans."

  With great misgiving, Dell dismounted. As he entered the tent, Forrestcontinued: "Sit on the corner of my bunk, and we'll talk the situationover. Oh, I'm going to send you, never fear. Now, the trouble is, wedon't know whose herd this may be, and you must play innocent and foxy.If the herd is behind the first divide, it'll water in the Beaver aboutfour o'clock. Now, ride down the creek and keep your eagle eye open fora lone horseman, either at the crossing or on the trail. That's theforeman, and that's the man we want to see. He may be ten miles in thelead of his herd, and you want to ride straight to him. Give him all theinformation you can regarding the water, and inquire if this is one ofLovell's herds. That will put you on a chatting basis, and then lead upto your errand. Tell him that you are running a trail hospital, and thatyou have a wounded man named Quince Forrest at your camp, and ask theforeman to come up and see him. Once you get him here, your work isover, except going back after the cow."

  Dell was impatient to be off, and started for the opening. "Hold on,"commanded Forrest, "or I'll put a rope on you. Now, ride slowly, letyour horse set his own pace, and don't come back without your man. Makeout that I'm badly wounded, and that you feel uneasy that bloodpoisoning may set in."

  The messenger lost no time in getting away. Once out of sight of thetent, Dell could not resist the temptation to gallop his mount overlevel places. Carrying the weight of a boy was nothing to the horse, andbefore half an hour had passed, the ford and trail came in view of theanxious courier. Halting in order to survey the horizon, the haze andheat-waves of summer so obstructed his view that every object lookedblurred and indistinct. Even the dust cloud was missing; and pushing ona mile farther, he reined in again. Now and then in the upper sky, anintervening cloud threw a shadow over the plain, revealing objects moredistinctly. For a moment one rested over the trail crossing, and likeprophecy fulfilled, there was the lone horseman at the ford!

  In the waste places it is a pleasure to unexpectedly meet a fellowbeing. Before being observed, Dell rode within hailing distance,greeting, and man and boy were soon in friendly converse. There waswater sufficient for all needs, the herd required no pilot, the summonsfound a ready response, and the two were soon riding up the Beaver ina jog trot.

  The gait admitted of free conversation, and the new foreman soon hadDell on the defensive. "I always hate to follow a Lovell outfit," saidthe stranger regretfully; "they're always in trouble. Old man Don's anice enough man, but he sure works sorry outfits on the trail. I've beenexpecting to hear something like this. If it isn't rebranding theirsaddle stock with nigger brands, it's sure to be something worse. Andnow that flat-headed Quince Forrest plows a fire-guard down his own legwith a six-shooter! Well, wouldn't that sour sweet milk!"

  "Oh, it wasn't his fault," protested Dell; "he only loaned his pistol,and it was returned with the hammer on a cartridge."

  "Of course," disgustedly assented the trail boss; "with me it's an oldstory. Hadn't no more sabe than to lend his gun to some prowlingtenderfoot. More than likely he urged its loan on this short-horn. Yes,I know Colonel Forrest; I've known him to bet his saddle and ridebareback as the result. It shows his cow-sense. Rather shallow-brainedto be allowed so far from home."

  "Well," contended poor Dell, "they surely were no friends. At least Mr.Quince don't speak very highly of that man."

  "That's his hindsight," said the trail foreman. "If the truth ever comesout, you'll notice his foresight was different. Colonel Quince isfamous, after the horse is stolen, for locking the stable door. Thatother time he offered to take an oath, on a stack of Bibles, never tobet his saddle again. The trouble is the game never repeats; the playnever comes up twice alike. If that old boy's gray matter ever comes tofull bloom, long before his allotted time, he'll wither away."

  Dell was discouraged. He realized that his defense of his friend wasweak. This second foreman seemed so different from either Priest orForrest. He spoke with such deep regret of the seeming faults of othersthat the boy never doubted his sincerity. He even questioned Dell withsuch an innocent countenance that the lad withered before his glance,and became disheartened at the success of the errand. Forced to thedefense continually, on several occasions Dell nearly betrayed theobject of bringing the new man to the homestead, but in each instancewas saved by some fortunate turn in the conversation. Never was sightmore welcome than the tent, glistening in the sun, and never was relieffrom duty more welcome to a courier. The only crumb of comfort left tothe boy who had ridden forth so boldly was that he had not betrayed theobject of his mission and had brought the range men together. Otherwisehis banner was trailing in the dust.

  The two rode direct to the tent. During the middle of the day, in orderto provide free ventilation, the walls were tucked up, and the flaps,rear and front, thrown wide open. Stretched on his bunk, Forrest watchedthe opening, and when darkened by the new arrival, the wounded man'sgreeting was most cordial. "Well, if it isn't old Nat Straw," said he,extending his hand. "Here, I've been running over in my mind thedifferent trail bosses who generally go north of the Platte River, butyou escaped my memory. It must have gotten into my mind, somehow, thatyou had married and gone back to chopping cotton. Still driving forUncle Jess Ellison, I reckon?"

  "Yes, still clerking for the same drover," admitted Straw, glancing atthe wounded limb. "What's this I hear about you laying off, and tryingto eat some poor nester out of house and home? You must begetting doty."

  "Enjoy yourself, Nat. The laugh's on me. I'm getting discouraged thatI'll ever have common horse sense. Isn't it a shame to be a fool allyour life!"

bsp; Straw glanced from the bunk to Dell. "I was just telling the boy, as werode up the creek, that you needed a whole heap of fixing in your upperloft. The poor boy tried his best to defend you, but it was easy to seethat he hadn't known you long."

  "And of course you strung him for all he could carry," said Forrest."Here, Dell. You were in such a hurry to get away that I overlookedwarning you against these trail varmints. Right now, I can see old Natleading you in under a wet blanket, and your colors dragging. Don'tbelieve a word he told you, and don't even give him a pleasant lookwhile he stays here."

  The discouraged boy brightened, and Joel and Dell were excused, to waterand picket the horses. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself," resumedForrest, "brow-beating that boy. Considering my hard luck, I've falleninto angels' hands. These boys are darling fellows. Now before youleave, square yourself with that youngest one."

  "A little jollying while he's young won't hurt him," replied Straw."It's not a bad idea to learn early to believe nothing that you hear andonly half of what you see. If you had been taken snipe hunting oftenerwhen you were young, it wouldn't hurt you any now. There are just aboutso many knocks coming to each of us, and we've got to take them alongwith the croup, chicken-pox, measles, and mumps."

  During the absence of the boys, Forrest informed Straw of the sadcondition which confronted the lads, when accident and necessity threwhim into their hands. He also repeated Priest's opinion of the valuablerange, unoccupied above on the Beaver, and urged his assistance insecuring some cattle with which to stock and claim it for the boys.

  "There's plenty of flotsam on the trail," said he, "strays andsore-footed cattle, to occupy this valley and give these boys a start inlife. I never even got thanked for a stray, and I've turned hundreds ofthem loose on these upper ranges, refused on the delivery of a herd.Somebody gets them, and I want these boys of mine to get a few hundredhead during this summer. Here's the place to drop your cripples andstray cows. From what Paul says, there's range above here for thousandsof cattle, and that's the foundation of a ranch. Without a hoof on it,it has a value in proportion to its carrying capacity, and Priest and Iwant these boys to secure it. They've treated me white, and I'm going tomake a fight for them."

  The appeal was not in vain. "Why not," commented Straw. "Let me in andwe'll make it three-handed. My herd is contracted again this year to thesame cattle company on the Crazy Woman, in Wyoming, as last season, andI want to fool them this trip. They got gay on my hands last summer,held me down to the straight road brand at delivery, and I'll see to itthat there are no strays in my herd this year. I went hungry for freshbeef, and gave those sharks over forty good strays. They knew I'd haveto leave them behind me. Watch me do it again."

  "About how many have you now, and how do they run?"

  "They're a hit-and-miss lot, like strays always are. Run from a good cowdown to yearlings. There ought to be about twenty-five head, and I'llcut you out five or six cripples. They could never make itthrough, nohow."

  "Any calves among the strays?"

  "Two or three."

  "Good enough. Give each of the boys a cow and calf, and the others tome. We'll let on that I've bought them."

  That no time might be lost in friendly chat, a late dinner was eaten inthe tent. Straw would have to meet his herd at the trail crossing thatafternoon, which would afford an opportunity to cut out all strays andcripples. One of the boys would return with him, for the expected cow,and when volunteers were called for, Dell hesitated in offering hisservices. "I'll excuse you," said Straw to Joel, who had jumped at thechance. "I'm a little weak on this red-headed boy, and when a cow handpicks on me for his side partner, the choice holds until further orders.Bring in the horses off picket, son, and we'll be riding."

  The latter order was addressed to Dell. No sooner had the boy departedthan Straw turned to Joel. "I've fallen head over ears in love with theidea of this trail hospital. Just where it ought to be; just aboutmidway between Dodge and Ogalalla. Of course I'm hog wild to get in onit. I might get a man hurt any day, might get sick myself, and I want tobe a stockholder in this hospital of yours. What's your favoritecolor in cows?"

  Joel's caution caused him to hesitate. "If you have one, send me amilk-white cow _with a black face_" instantly said Forrest. "White cowsare rich in cream, and I'm getting peevish, having to drinkblack coffee."

  "A white cow for you," said Straw, nodding to Forrest, "and what colorfor you?" But Joel, although half convinced, made no answer.

  "Send him a red one," authorized Forrest; "red steers bring a dollar ahead more than mongrel colors."

  "A red cow and calf for Joel, a white one for milk, and Dell can pickhis own," said Straw, murmuring a memorandum. "Now, that little passelof cripples, and odds and ends," again nodding to Forrest, "that I'msawing off on you, I'll bring them up with the cows. Yes, I'm comingback and stay all night."

  Joel lost all doubts on the moment. The trail boss was coming back, wasgoing to bring each one a cow. There was no question but that thisstranger had the cattle in his possession; surely he would not triflewith his own people, with an unfortunate, wounded man. All this seemedso in keeping with the partial outline of Priest, the old gray-hairedforeman, that the boy's caution gave place to firm belief. If generousprinces ever walked the earth, it was just possible that liberal ones inthe rough were still riding it in disguise.

  Joel hastened to his brother with the news. "It's all right," said he,throwing the saddle on Straw's horse. "You go right along with thisstrange foreman. He gave Mr. Quince a milk cow, a white one, and you'reto pick one for yourself. If I were going in your place, I'd pick a redone; red cattle are worth a dollar a head more than any other color."

  There was something in Joel's voice that told Dell that his brother hadnot been forgotten. "And you?--don't you?" stammered the younger boy.

  "Mr. Quince picked out a cow and calf for me," replied Joel, with aloftiness that two years' seniority confers on healthy boys. "I left itto him to choose mine. You'd better pick out a red one. And say, thishospital of ours is the real thing. It's the only one between Dodge andOgalalla. This strange foreman wants to take stock in it. I wonder ifthat was what he meant by sawing off a little passel of cattle on Mr.Quince. Now, don't argue or ask foolish questions, but keep your eyesand ears open."

  Fortified anew in courage, Dell accompanied the trail boss to meet hisherd. It was a short hour's ride, and on sighting the cattle, thennearing the crossing, they gave rein to their horses and rode for therear of the long column, where, in the rear-guard of the trailingcattle, naturally the sore and tender-footed animals were to be found.The drag men knew them to a hoof, were delighted to hear that allcripples were to be dropped, and half a dozen were cut off and startedup the Beaver. "Nurse them to the nearest water," said Straw to the dragmen, "and then push them up the creek until I overtake you. Here's wherewe drop our strays and cripples. What? No, I'm only endowing a trailhospital."

  The herd numbered thirty-one hundred two-year-old steers. They filledthe channel of the Beaver for a mile around the crossing, crowding intothe deeper pools, and thrashing up and down the creek in slaking theirthirst. Dell had never seen so many cattle, almost as uniform in size asthat many marbles, and the ease with which a few men handled the herdbecame a nine-day wonder to the astonished boy. And when the word passedaround to cut all strays up the creek, the facility with which the menculled out the alien down to one class and road brand, proved themmasters in the craft. It seemed as easily done as selecting a knifefrom among the other trinkets in a boy's pocket.

  After a change of mounts for the foreman, Dell and the trail bossdrifted the strays up the creek. The latter had counted and classed themas cut out of the herd, and when thrown together with the cripples, thepromised little passel numbered thirty-five cattle, not counting threecalves. Straw excused his men, promising to overtake them the nextmorning, and man and boy drifted the nucleus of a future ranch towardthe homestead.

  "Barring that white cow and the red one with the sp
eckled calf," saidStraw to Dell, pointing out each, "you're entitled to pick one foryourself. Now, I'm not going to hurry you in making your choice. Anytime before we sight the tent and shack, you are to pick one for yourown dear cow, and stand by your choice, good or bad. Remember, itcarries my compliments to you, as one of the founders of the firsthospital on the Texas and Montana cattle trail."

  Two miles below the homestead, the half-dozen cripples were dropped tothe rear. "You can come back to-morrow morning and get these tendersteers," said the foreman, "and drift them up above the improvements.You'll find them near here on the water. Now, we'll sight the tentaround the next bend, and you may point out your choice."

  "I'll take that red steer," said Dell with marked decision, pointing outa yearling.

  A peal of laughter greeted his choice. "That's a boy," shouted Straw;"shoot at a buck and kill a fawn! Why didn't you take that black cowand calf?"

  "I like red cattle the best," replied Dell, undaunted. "I've heard theybring a better price. I'll own the only red steer in the bunch."

  "Yes, but when your choice is a beef, that black cow and her increasewould buy two beeves. Dell, if you ever get to be a cowman, you'll haveto do some of your own thinking."

  Dell's mistake was in listening to others. Joel was equally guilty, ashis lofty comments regarding red cattle were derived from the randomremarks of Forrest. The brothers were novices in range cattle, andDell's error was based in not relying on his own judgment.

  On sighting the approaching cattle, Forrest's bunk was eased around tothe tent opening, Joel holding the flaps apart, and the little herd wasgrazed past at a snail's pace in review. Leaving Dell to nurse thenucleus past the improvements, Straw dismounted at the tent. "Well,"said he, handing the bridle reins to Joel, "that red-headed Dell issurely the making of a great cowman. All successful men begin at thebottom of the ladder, and he surely put his foot on the lowest rung.What do you suppose his choice was?"

  "The bottom rung suggests a yearling," said Forrest.

  "Stand up. You spelled the word correct. I'm a sheep herder, if hedidn't pick out the only, little, old, red, dobe steer in theentire bunch!"

  Forrest eased himself down on the bunk, unable to restrain his laughter."Well," said he, "we all have to learn, and no one can say Dell wasn'ttrue to his colors."