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Page 20


  We reached Miles City shortly after midnight. It was the recognizedcattle centre of Montana at that time, but devoid of the high-lightswhich were a feature of the trail towns. The village boasted the usualnumber of saloons and dance-houses, and likewise an ordinance compellingsuch resorts to close on the stroke of twelve. Lovell had been therebefore, and led the way to a well-known hostelry. The house was crowded,and the best the night clerk could do was to give us a room with twobeds. This was perfectly satisfactory, as it was a large apartmentand fronted out on an open gallery. Old man Don suggested we take themattresses outside, but as this was my first chance to sleep in a bedsince leaving the ranch in March, I wanted all the comforts that weredue me. Sponsilier likewise favored the idea of sleeping inside, and ouremployer yielded, taking the single bed on retiring. The night was warm,and after thrashing around for nearly an hour, supposing that Dave and Iwere asleep, old man Don arose and quietly dragged his mattress outside.Our bed was soft and downy, but in spite of the lateness of the hour andhaving been in our saddles at dawn, we tossed about, unable to sleep.After agreeing that it was the mattress, we took the covering andpillows and lay down on the floor, falling into a deep slumber almostinstantly. "Well, wouldn't that jar your eccentric," said Dave to me thenext morning, speaking of our inability to sleep in a bed. "I slept inone in Ogalalla, and I wasn't over-full either."

  Lovell remained with us all the next day. He was well known in MilesCity, having in other years sold cattle to resident cowmen. The day wasspent in hunting up former acquaintances, getting the lay of the land,and feeling the public pulse on the matter of quarantine on Southerncattle. The outlook was to our liking, as heavy losses had beensustained from fever the year before, and steps had already been takento isolate all through animals until frost fell. Report was abroad thatthere were already within the jurisdiction of Montana over one hundredand fifty thousand through Texas cattle, with a possibility of onethird that number more being added before the close of the season. Thatterritory had established a quarantine camp on the Wyoming line, forcingall Texas stock to follow down the eastern side of the Powder River.Fully one hundred miles on the north, a dead-line was drawn fromPowderville on that watercourse eastward to a spur of the Powder RiverMountains, thus setting aside a quarantine ground ample to accommodatehalf a million cattle. Local range-riders kept all the native andwintered Texas cattle to the westward of the river and away from thethrough ones, which was easily done by riding lines, the Southern herdsbeing held under constant control and hence never straying. The firstTexas herds to arrive naturally traveled north to the dead-line, and,choosing a range, went into camp until frost relieved them. It was anunwritten law that a herd was entitled to as much grazing land as itneeded, and there was a report about Miles City that the quarantineground was congested with cattle halfway from Powderville to the Wyomingline.

  The outlook was encouraging. Quarantine was working a hardship to herdsalong the old Powder River route, yet their enforced isolation waslike a tempered wind to our cause and cattle, the latter then leisurelygrazing across Dakota from the Little Missouri to the mouth of theYellowstone. Fortune favored us in many respects. About Miles City therewas no concealment of our mission, resulting in an old acquaintance ofLovell's loaning us horses, while old man Don had no trouble in gettingdrafts cashed to the amount of two thousand dollars. What he expected todo with this amount of money was a mystery to Dave and myself, a mysterywhich instantly cleared when we were in the privacy of our room at thehotel.

  "Here, boys," said old man Don, throwing the roll of money on the bed,"divide this wad between you. There might be such a thing as usinga little here and there to sweeten matters up, and making yourselvesrattling good fellows wherever you go. Now in the first place, I wantyou both to understand that this money is clear velvet, and don'thesitate to spend it freely. Eat and drink all you can, and gamble alittle of it if that is necessary. You two will saddle up in the morningand ride to Powderville, while I will lie around here a few days and trythe market for cattle next year, and then go on to Big Horn on my wayto the Crow Agency. Feel your way carefully; locate the herds of Field,Radcliff & Co., and throw everything in their way to retard progress.It is impossible to foretell what may happen, and for that reason onlygeneral orders can be given. And remember, I don't want to see thatmoney again if there is any chance to use it."

  Powderville was a long day's ride from Miles City. By making an earlystart and resting a few hours at noon, we reached that stragglingoutpost shortly after nightfall. There was a road-house for thewayfaring man and a corral for his beast, a general store, oppositionsaloons, and the regulation blacksmith shop, constituting the businessinterests of Powderville. As arriving guests, a rough but cordialwelcome was extended us by the keeper of the hostelry, and we mingledwith the other travelers, but never once mentioning our business. I wasuneasy over the money in our possession; not that I feared robbery, butmy mind constantly reverted to it, and it was with difficulty that Irefrained from continually feeling to see that it was safe. Sponsilierhad concealed his in his boot, and as we rode along, contended thathe could feel the roll chafing his ankle. I had tied two handkerchiefstogether, and rolling my share in one of them, belted the amount betweenmy overshirt and undershirt. The belt was not noticeable, but in makingthe ride that day, my hand involuntarily went to my side where the moneylay, the action never escaping the notice of Sponsilier, who constantlytwitted me over my nervousness. And although we were tired as dogs afterour long ride, I awoke many times that night and felt to see if my moneywas safe; my partner slept like a log.

  Several cowmen, ranching on the lower Powder River, had headquarters atthis outpost. The next morning Sponsilier and I made their acquaintance,and during the course of the day got a clear outline of the situation.On the west the river was the recognized dead-line to the Wyomingboundary, while two camps of five men each patroled the dividing line onthe north, drifting back the native stock and holding the through herdsin quarantine. The nearest camp was some distance east of Powderville,and saddling up towards evening we rode out and spent the night atthe first quarantine station. A wagon and two tents, a relay of saddlehorses, and an arsenal of long-range firearms composed the outfit. Threeof the five men on duty were Texans. Making ourselves perfectly at home,we had no trouble in locating the herds in question, they having alreadysounded the tocsin to clear the way, claiming government beef recognizedno local quarantine. The herds were not over thirty miles to the south,and expectation ran high as to results when an attempt should be madeto cross the deadline. Trouble had already occurred, where outfitsrespecting the quarantine were trespassed upon by three herds, makingclaim of being under government protection and entitled to the rights ofeminent domain. Fortunately several of the herds on the immediate linehad been bought at Ogalalla and were in possession of ranch outfits whoowned ranges farther north, and were anxious to see quarantine enforced.These local cowmen would support the established authority, and troublewas expected. Sponsilier and I widened the breach by denouncing theseintruders as the hirelings of a set of ringsters, who had no regardfor the rights of any one, and volunteered our services in enforcingquarantine against them the same as others.

  Our services were gratefully accepted. The next morning we werefurnished fresh horses, and one of us was requested, as we werestrangers, to ride down the country and reconnoitre the advance ofthe defiant drovers. As I was fearful that Field or Radcliff mightbe accompanying the herds, and recognize me, Sponsilier went instead,returning late that evening.

  "Well, fellows," said Dave, as he dismounted at the quarantine camp,"I've seen the herds, and they propose to cross this dead-line of yoursas easily as water goes through a gourd funnel. They'll be here by noonto-morrow, and they've got the big conversation right on tap to showthat the government couldn't feed its army if it wasn't for a few bigcowmen like them. There's a strange corporal over the three herds andthey're working on five horses to the man. But the major-dom
o's thewhole works; he's a windy cuss, and intimates that he has a card or twoup his sleeve that will put these quarantine guards to sleep when hesprings them. He's a new man to me; at least he wasn't with the gang atOgalalla."

  During the absence of my partner, I had ridden the dead-line on thenorth. A strip of country five miles wide was clear of cattle above theboundary, while below were massed four herds, claiming the range fromthe mountains to the Powder River. The leader of the quarantine guards,Fred Ullmer, had accompanied me on the ride, and on our return wevisited three of the outfits, urging them to hold all their reserveforces subject to call, in case an attempt was made to force thedead-line. At each camp I took every possible chance to sow the seedsof dissension and hatred against the high-handed methods of The WesternSupply Company. Defining our situation clearly, I asked each foreman, incase these herds defied local authority, who would indemnify the ownersfor the loss among native cattle by fever between Powderville and themouth of the Yellowstone. Would the drovers? Would the government?Leaving these and similar thoughts for their consideration, Ullmer and Ihad arrived at the first quarantine station shortly before the return ofmy partner.

  Upon the report of Sponsilier, Ullmer was appointed captain, and lostno time in taking action. After dark, a scout was sent to Camp No. 2, ameeting-place was appointed on Wolf Creek below, and orders were givento bring along every possible man from the local outfits and to meetat the rendezvous within an hour after sun-up the next morning. Ullmerchanged horses and left for Powderville, assuring us that he would rallyevery man interested in quarantine, and have his posse below, on thecreek by sunrise. The remainder of us at headquarters were under ordersto bring all the arms and ammunition, and join the quarantine forces atthe meeting-place some five miles from our camp. We were also to touchat and command the presence of one of the four outfits while en route.I liked the determined action of Captain Ullmer, who I learned hademigrated with his parents to Montana when a boy, and had grown intomanhood on the frontier. Sponsilier was likewise pleased with thequarantine leader, and we lay awake far into the night, reviewing thesituation and trying to anticipate any possible contingency that mightthwart our plans. But to our best reasoning the horizon was clear, andif Field, Radcliff & Co.'s cattle reached Fort Buford on the day ofdelivery, well, it would be a miracle.

  Fresh horses were secured at dawn, and breakfast would be secured enroute with the cow outfit. There were a dozen large-calibre rifles inscabbards, and burdening ourselves with two heavy guns to the man and anabundance of ammunition, we abandoned Quarantine Station No. 1 for thetime being. The camp which we were to touch at was the one nearest theriver and north of Wolf Creek, and we galloped up to it before the sunhad even risen. Since everything was coming our way, Sponsilier and Iobserved a strict neutrality, but a tow-headed Texan rallied the outfit,saying:

  "Make haste, fellows, and saddle up your horses. Those three herdswhich raised such a rumpus up on Little Powder have sent down word thatthey're going to cross our dead-line to-day if they have to prize uphell and put a chunk under it. We have decided to call their bluffbefore they even reach the line, and make them show their hand forall this big talk. Here's half a dozen guns and cartridges galore, buthustle yourselves. Fred went into Powderville last night and will meetus above at the twin buttes this morning with every cowman in town. Allthe other outfits have been sent for, and we'll have enough men to makeour bluff stand up, never fear. From what I learn, these herds belong toa lot of Yankee speculators, and they don't give a tinker's dam if allthe cattle in Montana die from fever. They're no better than anybodyelse, and if we allow them to go through, they'll leave a trail of deadnatives that will stink us out of this valley. Make haste, everybody."

  I could see at a glance that the young Texan had touched their pride.The foreman detailed three men to look after the herd, and the balancemade hasty preparations to accompany the quarantine guards. A relief wasrushed away for the herders; and when the latter came in, they reportedhaving sighted the posse from Powderville, heading across country forthe twin buttes. Meanwhile a breakfast had been bolted by the guards,Sponsilier, and myself, and swinging into our saddles, we rounded abluff bend of the creek and rode for the rendezvous, some three milesdistant. I noticed by the brands that nearly every horse in that countryhad been born in Texas, and the short time in which we covered theintervening miles proved that the change of climate had added to theirstability and bottom. Our first glimpse of the meeting-point revealedthe summit of the buttes fairly covered with horsemen. From theirnumbers it was evident that ours was the last contingent to arrive; butbefore we reached the twin mounds, the posse rode down from the lookoutand a courier met and turned us from our course. The lead herd had beensighted in trail formation but a few miles distant, heading north, andit was the intention to head them at the earliest moment. The messengerinquired our numbers, and reported those arrived at forty-five, makingthe posse when united a few over sixty men.

  A juncture of forces was effected within a mile of the lead herd. It wasa unique posse. Old frontiersmen, with patriarchal beards and sawed-offshotguns, chewed their tobacco complacently as they rode forward at aswinging gallop. Beardless youths, armed with the old buffalo guns oftheir fathers, led the way as if an Indian invasion had called themforth. Soldiers of fortune, with Southern accents, who were assisting inthe conquest of a new empire, intermingled with the hurrying throng, andtwo men whose home was in Medina County, Texas, looked on and approved.The very horses had caught the inspiration of the moment, champing bitsin their effort to forge to the front rank, while the blood-stainedslaver coated many breasts or driveled from our boots. Before we met theherd a halt was called, and about a dozen men were deployed off on eachflank, while the main body awaited the arrival of the cattle. The latterwere checked by the point-men and turned back when within a few hundredyards of the main posse. Several horsemen from the herd rode forward,and one politely inquired the meaning of this demonstration. Thequestion was met by a counter one from Captain Ullmer, who demanded toknow the reason why these cattle should trespass on the rights of othersand ignore local quarantine. The spokesman in behalf of the herd turnedin his saddle and gave an order to send some certain person forward.Sponsilier whispered to me that this fellow was merely a segundo. "Butwait till the 'major-domo' arrives," he added. The appearance of theposse and the halting of the herd summoned that personage from the rearto the front, and the next moment he was seen galloping up the column ofcattle. With a plausible smile this high mogul, on his arrival, repeatedthe previous question, and on a similar demand from the captain ofthe posse, he broke into a jolly laugh from which he recovered withdifficulty.

  "Why, gentlemen," said he, every word dripping with honeyed sweetness,"this is entirely uncalled for. I assure you that it was purely anoversight on my part that I did not send you word in advance that theseherds of mine are government cattle and not subject to local quarantine.My associates are the largest army contractors in the country, thesecattle are due at Fort Buford on the 15th of this month, and anyinterference on your part would be looked upon as an insult to thegovernment. In fact, the post commander at Fort Laramie insisted that hebe permitted to send a company of cavalry to escort us across Wyoming,and assured us that a troop from Fort Keogh, if requested, would meetour cattle on the Montana line. The army is jealous over its supplies,but I declined all military protection, knowing that I had but to showmy credentials to pass unmolested anywhere. Now, if you care to lookover these papers, you will see that these cattle are en route toFort Buford, on an assignment of the original contract, issued by thesecretary of war to The Western Supply Company. Very sorry to put you toall this trouble, but these herds must not be interfered with. I trustthat you gentlemen understand that the government is supreme."

  As the papers mentioned were produced, Sponsilier kicked me on theshin, gave me a quiet wink, and nodded towards the documents then beingtendered to Captain Ullmer. Groping at his idea, I rode forward, andas the papers were being returned with a mer
e glance on the part of thequarantine leader, I politely asked if I might see the assignment of theoriginal contract. But a quizzical smile met my request, and shaking outthe heavy parchment, he rapped it with the knuckles of his disengagedhand, remarking as he returned it to his pocket, "Sorry, but altogethertoo valuable to allow out of my possession." Just what I would have donewith the beribboned document, except to hand it over to Sponsilier,is beyond me, yet I was vaguely conscious that its destruction was ofimportance to our side of the matter at issue. At the same instant inwhich my request was declined, the big medicine man turned to CaptainUllmer and suavely remarked, "You found everything as represented, didyou?"

  "Why, I heard your statement, and I have also heard it disputed fromother sources. In fact I have nothing to do with you except to enforcethe quarantine now established by the cattlemen of eastern Montana.If you have any papers showing that your herds were wintered north oflatitude 37, you can pass, as this quarantine is only enforced againstcattle from south of that degree. This territory lost half a milliondollars' worth of native stock last fall from Texas fever, and thisseason they propose to apply the ounce of preventive. You will haveample time to reach your destination after frost falls, and yourdetention by quarantine will be a good excuse for your delay. Now,unless you can convince me that your herds are immune, I'll show youa good place to camp on the head of Wolf Creek. It will probably be amatter of ten to fifteen days before the quarantine is lifted, and weare enforcing it against citizens of Montana and Texas alike, and noexception can be made in your case."

  "But, my dear sir, this is not a local or personal matter. Whatever youdo, don't invite the frown of the government. Let me warn you not to actin haste. Now, remember--"

  "You made your cracks that you would cross this quarantine line,"interrupted Ullmer, bristlingly, "and I want you to find out yourmistake. There is no occasion for further words, and you can eitherorder your outfit to turn your cattle east, or I'll send men and do itmyself."

  The "major-domo" turned and galloped back to his men, a number of whomhad congregated near at hand. The next moment he returned and haughtilythreatened to surrender the cattle then and there unless he was allowedto proceed. "Give him a receipt for his beeves, Fred," quietly remarkedan old cowman, gently stroking his beard, "and I'll take these boys overhere on the right and start the cattle. That will be the safest way,unless the gentleman can indemnify us. I lost ten thousand dollars'worth of stock last fall, and as a citizen of Montana I have objectionsto leaving a trail of fever from here to the mouth of the Yellowstone.And tell him he can have a bond for his cattle," called back the old manas he rode out of hearing.

  The lead herd was pointed to the east, and squads of men rode down andmet the other two, veering them off on an angle to the right. Meanwhilethe superintendent raved, pleaded, and threatened without avail, butfinally yielded and refused the receipt and dispossession of his cattle.This was just what the quarantine captain wanted, and the dove of peacebegan to shake its plumage. Within an hour all three of the herdswere moving out for the head of Wolf Creek, accompanied only by thequarantine guards, the remainder of the posse returning to their homesor their work. Having ample time on our hands, Sponsilier and I expectedto remain at Station No. 1 until after the 10th of September, andaccordingly made ourselves at home at that camp. To say that we wereelated over the situation puts it mildly, and that night the two of uslost nearly a hundred dollars playing poker with the quarantine guards.A strict vigilance was maintained over the herds in question, butall reports were unanimous that they were contentedly occupying theirallotted range.

  But at noon on the third day of the enforced isolation, a messenger fromPowderville arrived at the first station. A troop of cavalry from FortKeogh, accompanied by a pack-train, had crossed the Powder River belowthe hamlet, their avowed mission being to afford an escort for certaingovernment beef, then under detention by the local authorities. Thereport fell among us like a flash of lightning. Ample time had elapsedfor a messenger to ride to the Yellowstone, and, returning with troops,pilot them to the camps of Field, Radcliff & Co. A consultation wasimmediately held, but no definite line of action had been arrived atwhen a horseman from one of the lower camps dashed up and informed usthat the three herds were already trailing out for the dead-line,under an escort of cavalry. Saddling up, we rallied what few men wereavailable, determined to make a protest, at least, in the interest ofhumanity to dumb brutes. We dispatched couriers to the nearest camps andthe outer quarantine station; but before a posse of twenty men arrived,the lead herd was within a mile of the dead-line, and we rode out andmet them. Fully eighty troopers, half of which rode in column formationin front, halted us as we approached. Terse and to the point werethe questions and answers exchanged between the military arm of thegovernment and the quarantine authorities of Montana. When the questionarose of indemnity to citizens, in case of death to native cattle, ahumane chord was touched in the young lieutenant in command, resultingin his asking several questions, to which the "major-domo" protested.Once satisfied of the justice of quarantine, the officer, in defense ofhis action, said:

  "Gentlemen, I am under instructions to give these herds, intended foruse at Fort Buford, a three days' escort beyond this quarantine line.I am very much obliged to you all for making so clear the necessityof isolating herds of Texas cattle, and that little or no hardship mayattend my orders, you may have until noon to-morrow to drift all nativestock west of the Powder River. When these herds encamp for the night,they will receive instructions not to move forward before twelveto-morrow. I find the situation quite different from reports;nevertheless orders are orders."